Celemi Agile Move

Learn to quickly adapt and respond to changing market conditions by applying agile principles. In Celemi Agile Move, participants work in teams to explore and develop an agile mindset. In the simulation, participants work through the challenges and discuss

Celemi PartnerStock

Is your company struggling with inventory levels and lead times? Then Celemi PartnerStock™ might be the right solution. Celemi PartnerStock is a competitive and interactive simulation where participants are grouped into teams and presented with inventory-related challenges. Participants have

Celemi Livon

Celemi Livon™ is a business simulation that helps participants understand the importance of customer loyalty.In the simulation, four retailers are in tough competition for the same customers in a growing market. The overriding challenge is to build and retain

Celemi Medici Game

Celemi The Medici Game is designed to create conditions for breakthrough innovations.Based on the bestselling book “The Medici Effect” by Frans Johansson, participants in the simulation are divided into teams, each of which takes a fascinating journey to the

Celemi Enterprise

Celemi Enterprise is a business simulation workshop that helps participants stay ahead in a changing world. Each team acts as a company, competing against one another for the same customers. The simulation is based on real-world scenarios. Participants assume

Celemi Cayenne

Are you looking for a way to help your staff learn how to work together more effectively on projects? If so, you may want to consider our Celemi Cayenne business simulation. This simulation provides participants with an opportunity to

Celemi Tango

Celemi Tango is a business simulation that allows participants to experience the challenges of running a business. Participants team up against one another to fiercely compete to create short-term profit and long-term value. The business simulation allows all team

Celemi Decision Base

Do you want your company to make decisions that help your business reach its potential? This business simulation is based on real-world data and is designed to help people work effectively together to manage big companies. Participants of this

Celemi Apples & Oranges

In this business simulation, participants will gain new insights into the finance of business including the company’s profits and losses, balance sheet and cash flow statement, while improving profitability. Participants are divided into teams and learn how to make

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